Send a message: 1-877-659-3215
Send a message: 1-877-659-3215
Refund Rules:
  1. Refunds, cancellations, and re-bookings will honored only if at least five days notice is provided.  A $30 administration fee applies.  This is needed to re-advertise the seat as vacant, which costs our academy money to do so.

  2. Refunds, cancellations, and re-bookings will not be honored if participant has already cancelled and/or postponed a class in the past for whatever reason.

  3. Re-bookings, cancellations, and refund requests due to failure to do the blended online learning component at the very last minute is not an acceptable reason to re-book, cancel, or refund your course, and a re-booking fee for a total of 80% of the course fee shall apply.

  4. Anyone can be denied entry or ejected during the course for behaviour which is determined to be boisterous, disruptive to the class, rude, and / or hostile.  This includes (but not limited to) disrupting the classroom for whatever reason, swearing, cursing, constant arguing, intimidation, issuing threats, ultimatums, poor manners, pressuring staff, delaying the class due to any type of behaviour, not paying attention to on site staff, not following pandemic rules by WSIB, municipal / provincial / federal government law, sleeping during the course, refusal to learn, poor effort to learn, excessive chatting that disrupts the class or the student’s learning experience, excessive breaks / lunches not in accordance to the training break and meal standards, and refusal to follow instructor directives, etc.  This policy includes in person, over the phone, and via email.  No refund shall be provided should this policy be exercised.

  5. Refunds are not applicable for participants who do not following directives of The Academy for First Aid and Safety, federal / provincial / municipal laws.

  6. The Academy For First Aid and Safety reserves the right to refuse to re-book or refund a student due to a “no show,” insufficient notice for an absence, attending the wrong venue location, or a denial of entry due to being late or no blended online completed.

  7. All refund or re-booking requests must be done via email for proper records keeping.
  8. Participants are held financially responsible for any damage caused by misuse and lack of care for all provided first aid and CPR equipment.  Should a participant damage equipment provided during training, the participant will be required to reimburse the training provider to purchase a replacement.  This includes (but not limited to): Damaging CPR mannequins by not handling with care (i.e. slamming them on the ground, damaging the electrical circuit of the sensors), forcibly jamming training equipment with excessive force, vandalism to equipment, furnishings, fixtures, and common elements of the facility, breakage of glass or plastics.

  9. The Academy for First Aid and Safety reserves the right to amend their policies at any given time.

  10. The Academy for First Aid and Safety will not be held responsible for any cancellations due to any unforeseen circumstances, such as (but not limited to) forced majure, and any pandemic which unexpectedly closes it facility.

  11. 100% class attendance is required in order to receive your first aid certification.  The door closes 30 minutes after the start time, or if the course progresses past Chapter 1 or beyond.  No refunds will be issued if this occurs, and a rebooking fee shall apply.

  12. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that if they select a recertification, that they currently have valid  certification that has not expired.  Failure to produce such documentation or incorrect documentation at the door will result in a denial of entry.

  13. Recertifications: All participants who register for a recertification are responsible to ensure they are entitled to a recertification.  The Academy for First Aid and Safety holds no responsibility if  participant books a recertification course when they are not entitled to a recert.

  14. Inclement weather: Our academy follows the public school cancellation protocol: To determine whether or not our class is cancelled due to inclement weather, please visit the school board of the region where our academy resides. If such schools in the affected region close or remain open (ignoring bus cancellations), we follow their protocol.

  15. Cancellations due to instructor illness and / or emergency: In the event that a class is cancelled, the registrant agrees to hold the Academy for First Aid and Safety harmless of any type of recourse action.  The Academy for First Aid and Safety will make all attempts to find a substitute instructor.  If no substitute instructor is found, the class is cancelled and / or postponed to an alternative date.

To attend a class, participants must confirm the following online and at the door prior to entry:

No to all of below:

  • Severe difficulty breathing (e.g., struggling to breathe or speaking in single words)
  • Severe chest pain
  • Having an extremely hard time waking up
  • Feeling confused
  • Losing consciousness
  • Mild to moderate shortness of breath
  • Inability to lie down because of difficulty breathing
  • Chronic health conditions that you are having difficulty managing / difficulty breathing
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny nose
  • Have you travelled to any countries outside Canada (including the United States) within the last 14 days?

  • Within the last 14 days did you provide care or have close contact with a symptomatic person known or suspected to have COVID-19?

  • Did you have close contact with a person who travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days who has become ill (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or headache)?

  • Do you have any disabilities in which may interfere with your participation of this course (i.e. but not limited to: Joint pain, pregnancy, respiratory conditions, surgery, etc.)?  If yes, it is mandatory to tell the instructor asap.

Any failure to disclose, refusal to disclose, or if any of the above questions were answered with a yes, a denial of entry will occur at the door and no refund and / or rebooking without another full fare will occur.

To attend a class, all participants consent to the following waiver online and again in class:

I hereby release and discharge Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, The Academy for First Aid and Safety Training, Interforce International
Training Academy and their respective directors, employees, instructors, subcontractors, volunteers, class participants, servants and agents, including their successors and assigns, of and from any and all fault, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, demands, causes of actions, lawsuits, damages, judgments, or any other actions of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to my registration, my attendance or participation, or any act or omission of the Undersigned, including any personal injury which I may suffer or incur as a result of participation in or attendance at this course, whether or not caused
by the negligence or wrongful acts. I do further agree to indemnify and hold harmless to all above said companies, their respective directors, employees,
subcontractors, volunteers, servants and agents, including their successors and assigns any and all fault, liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, demands,
causes of actions, lawsuits, damages, judgments, or any other actions of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to this course
or any act or omission of the Undersigned.

I also hereby claim that if I am related or employed by a direct competitor, taxation entity, or any investigative body, I must identify myself to the company immediately without delay and clearly state all my purpose(s) for attendance.  Attendance to gain inside knowledge of the said companies is strictly prohibited.  By failure to identify my affiliation, I agree that none of what I have learned and experienced in the classroom can be used against any of the said companies.